About La Mother Tongue

La Mother Tongue is my medium to share the joys and challenges of being a new parent as well as to share how we make a conscious effort in our daily life to bring baby up bilingual.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Las Flores

Sofía is into smelling las flores. She surprised me one day when I was picking out flores at the store and she walked over to them, signed “flower” and bent over to smell them. Since then, she has been fascinated with the entire process. We have flores on our kitchen table, sometimes real, sometimes artificial, and she always wants to smell them. So I decided to roll with the flores theme. We walked outside this morning and ventured into our neighbors’ yards to smell the flores. This afternoon we went to Meadowlark Botanical Gardens. Although there is a fee to enter the gardens, there was plenty for us to do just in the visitor center without having to spend any money for a short visit. We can save the gardens for a day when we can spend more time and really get our money’s worth. (Should I sidebar that I think paying to see flores is a crime?)
In the visitor center, we met a group of retirees in their knitting club, we saw some type of lizard from Africa, a dancing turtle, and a stuffed animal tree, which by far, was the BEST attraction! This tree housed stuffed birds, bees, grasshoppers, ducks, squirrels, and geese that made fun sounds when you pushed on their bellies. Sofía SQUEALED with delight! I should have videotaped it! Outside in the foyer, we smelled all the flores! Oh how I wish I could retain names of flores to teach her, but, well, Sofía, you are on your own on that lesson!
We hear that our friend Leigh has a bunch of fresh cut flores from her new garden.  Maybe we will hike over there to smell them after Sofía's afternoon nap!


  1. Sofía está preciosa. Estoy viviendo una experiencia como la tuya, a pesar de que Lauren es mi segunda bebé es como si fuera la primera, después de 15 años de diferencia. Mi hija ama la naturaleza también y le encantan las flores. Le enseñe a soplar las flores del diente de león y salen volando sus partes por todas partes, ella se emociona, ella sale al jardí y piensa que si sopla las flores les va a pasar lo mismo que las del diente de león. Le tome una foto a mi hija cuando intentaba soplar las flores de un trebol, se sorprendió porque no pudo desbaratar la flor.

  2. No puedo creer que hay 15 anos de diferencia entre Lauren y Julito! Esta hermosa! No es impresionante ese amor que tienen por la naturaleza? Me encanta acompanar a Sofia mientras que descubra las cosas por primera vez--que inocencia, no? Te extrano amiga!

  3. Que lindo que nuestras bebitas pudieran compartir. Nos parece curioso que tu bebita es trigueñita y la nuestra es blanquisima y mona. Cuando nació la enfermera que la llevaba me miró y se excuso porque se habia equivocado de mamá y después regresó para verificar el número y pues si era la mia, y no me la habian cambiado. Un abrazo, también te extraño ;)

  4. No estaba segura si ella era blanca o solo era la foto! ja ja ja!
