About La Mother Tongue

La Mother Tongue is my medium to share the joys and challenges of being a new parent as well as to share how we make a conscious effort in our daily life to bring baby up bilingual.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


This is why I’ve been on a hiatus. Sofía wants to walk with her walker EVERYWHERE! Since we have had some terribly cold weather and have been locked up in the house, we have been taking advantage of nice weather days! One of the great things about D.C. is that it may be cold, but it is almost always sunny! Sofía has been cruising around both with her walker and holding onto the walls. She loves to cruise outside and look for her neighborhood friends to play with. They are all older than she is and they dote on her like she is the La Reina Sofía of España! Today, we took a little trip to visit Papi at work. Papi stepped out of the office for only a minute and what do you know???? Sofía took three steps!!! Some of his colleagues witnessed it with me though and I don’t think this makes him feel any better! I will try to get it on video the next time, but it took me by surprise! We will keep you posted!

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