About La Mother Tongue

La Mother Tongue is my medium to share the joys and challenges of being a new parent as well as to share how we make a conscious effort in our daily life to bring baby up bilingual.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Runway Baby!

If we were in earlier times of arranged marriages or perhaps a different culture, I would have had Sofía’s husband picked out for her before she was born. My best friend had a son exactly one month before Sofía was born. This was all a coincidence of course, but non-the-less convenient for me! When we were pregnant, I had someone to warn me what was about to come and someone who understood that some days I just couldn’t take one more step without eating a piece of mint, chocolate chip cake! So, Sofía and Domenico are best friends (according to me) even though they live several states apart. Do you like the lovely hat, mittens, and booties (that go all the way up to the knee!) that my Runway Baby is sporting in the picture? Well, if you do, there are many other goodies that Domenico’s mom has for sale. Some baby items, some not, but you take a peek at her Etsy site: http://www.amyben2.etsy.com/.  If you don’t see what you want, let Amy know and she can create it for you!

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